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Prof Romeo Selvas

Executive Director of the Project

Founder of Optic Industries

Co-founder of Logiance



Prof Selvas (Ph.D.) works at the School of Mathematical and Physical Science (FCFM) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Mexico with a tenure position as a professor. Since September 2005, he heads the Fiber and Laser Group (FLG). His research interests are rare-earth-doped fiber, nonlinear and photonic crystal fibers, and specialty optical fibers for telecom, sensing, and industrial applications. He has published over 150 international conferences and Journal papers and holds six patents. He has some funded projects granted by government and industrial institutions; also, he is supervising Ph.D. and MSc students.

He currently worked in many industrial projects within the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, and due to these efforts. He has materialized not only in theoretical-experimental contributions but also in a transfer venture to society, including creating the company Optic Industries, a company born within the UANL. Where he also is the partner and founder of this company; whose main product is an optical sensor. He committed to a strong presence of R +D + i among its activities, focusing on two main fields: photonics applications in medicine or industry and energy saving in buildings. Just as he was also co-founder of the company Logiance, technology-based entrepreneurship dedicated to developing technological solutions for industrial 4.0 and network interconnection systems, a company that was born with the mission of growing national and international projects with high innovative content.

In his industrial participation, he has served as a technological advisor in five national or international companies. All these require a good understanding of the underlying principles and awareness of their relevance to industrial applications. With more than 25 years of experience in photonic technology, Hopefully, Dr. Selvas would impact and help future decisions for young scientists.

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